EGGstraordinay EGG.

Props: An empty egg shell, pieces of coloured papers, a safety pin, a hammer.


Here is something really clever, very effective and easy to do. Borrow a lady's handkerchief with a promise to return it and place an ordinary egg in the kerchief and roll it like a ball. Take a hammer and start hitting the ball. The lender starts shouting at you. Never mind, dont look at her. After you job is over, throw the kerchief into the air. Presto! Instead of the greasy oozing yolk, the audience finds colourful papers and flowers falling on them. Of course, the kerchief is clean.


To perform this simple trick, you will need an empty egg shell and small pieces of coloured papers and flowers. The best way to obtain an empty shell -- take an egg and punch a small hole on each end with a safety pin. Blow into the egg and force the contents through the other hole into a glass.

When the shell is dry, push the pieces of paper and flowers through the holes with the help of a safety pin and close the holes with white paper. Well, the egg is ready for demonstration now. Place this egg along with real eggs in atray ona table and start the show.